Monthly summary of press coverage for the Legal Education Foundation. Click the links to read the full articles.
July 31
"Legal Education Foundation The foundation has hired Matthew Smerdon as chief executive. He was previously deputy director at the BaringFoundation."
City Moves for 31 July 2013 | Who's Switching Jobs - City AM
July 25
"It’s not every week that a £200 million windfall drops on the world of legal education. So when it was announced last year that the proceeds of the sale of the College of Law would be directed to form the Legal Education Foundation (LEF) there was much curiosity about exactly what it would do..."
£200m offers community law lifeline - The Times
July 10
"The charity created following the sale of the College of Law last year has today announced its first grants, with access to justice, the profession and education the focus..."
Legal Education Foundation launches with grants to promote pro bono, education and social mobility - LegalFutures