Our organisational values
We trust and value our partners’ and colleagues’ lived and learned experience. We work to be trusted by being open and honest, and acting with integrity.
We stand with those taking action to bring about collective benefit. We commit ourselves and our resources to building relationships over the long term that centre wellbeing, accelerate change and make others’ voices heard.
We work to be representative of and accountable to the communities we work with. We challenge systems and structures, including our own, that create and perpetuate oppression, discrimination, inequity and exclusion.
We are not afraid to challenge injustice.
We take seriously the complexity of the issues we are tackling and the importance of learning from communities that are affected. We build a culture in which we are dedicated to reflecting and acting on our learning.
Frameworks and networks
We are working with others in the funding sector to advance equity and inclusion, as well as using frameworks to keep us accountable. We are part of the following networks and frameworks:
- Funders for Race Equality Alliance (FREA). FREA is a diverse group of funding organisations, networks and individuals working together to achieve race equality in the UK. FREA convene funders to influence and share good practice, produce resources to enable action on racial justice in funding organisations, and work to hold funders accountable within an environment of trust. We take part in FREA’s annual racial justice audit, which helps funders assess how much funding is reaching Black and Minoritised communities.
- Institute of Voluntary Action Research (IVAR) ‘Open and Trusting’ grantmaker. IVAR is an action research charity working with charities, foundations and public agencies. ‘Open and Trusting’ is a community of grantmakers who have signed up to eight commitments to managing grants and relationships in a way that reflects funders’ confidence in and respect for the organisations they fund.
- Ten Years’ Time Community of Practice. Ten Years’ Time works with donors and funders to interrogate their wealth, unlearn harmful practices and develop equitable and reparative approaches that advance racial justice in grantmaking. The Community of Practice is a three-year training, development and coaching programme which will support us to develop our racial literacy and anti-racism practice.
- London Funders Equity and Justice Network. London Funders is a membership organisation which facilitates research and collaboration for grantmakers funding in London.
- Reviewed by Foundation Practice Rating for three years running. The FPR evaluates foundations based on publicly available information on their practices in terms of diversity, transparency, and accountability.
We are also part of the following nationwide schemes: