Grant Applicants Check List

Grant Applicants Check List

Items to be covered in your Application:

Your Organisation

  • Legal status, registered number and when formed.
  • Statutory objectives.
  • Range of services or support your organisation provides.
  • How you monitor and evaluate your work.
  • Geographical base of the organisation and area served.
  • The latest Annual Report and Accounts.

The Project

  • Details of the Project, including a detailed budget.
  • Amount of grant requested and what time period it covers (note we do not fund core organisational expenditure).
  • Whether any other organisations have been, or will be, approached to fund this project and if so the result.
  • How the project will be managed and by whom.
  • How will success be measured?
  • In what specific ways does the project meet the priority areas of the Foundation?
  • How will the project become self-sustaining and scalable after the end of the Foundation grant period?

Check List





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Registered charity 271297 (England/Wales)