"Don’t delay if you spot problems during tender process", charities are warned

"Don’t delay if you spot problems during tender process", charities are warned

Justice First Fellow Joe Vester has published a guide to help small organisations who are bidding for public contracts

Joe Vester, a Justice First Fellow and trainee solicitor at the Public Law Project, has written a plain-English guide, aimed at small charities and other organisations tendering for contracts to provide publicly-funded services.

Part of PLP’s toolkit series, Commissioning: Understanding and using the law for smaller organisations explains how to avoid common pitfalls and when to take legal advice. It also gives a simple-to-understand overview of the complex legal framework which governs the procurement process. Joe gives advice on how to spot if something may be going wrong and of the need to act quickly. "If you leave it until the end, you will almost certainly be told it is too late and you should have acted sooner", he says.

Joe researched and wrote the guide as part of his Fellowship project.

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