Finalists in this year’s LAPG LALY awards include Marcia Willis-Stewart, the solicitor acting for the family of Mark Duggan; and Rebecca Stevens, who was praised by the President of the Family Division after doing 100 hours unpaid work for a father who didn’t qualify for legal aid.
Marcia Willis-Stewart, managing partner of Birnberg Peirce, is among four finalists for the inaugural public law LALY award (see full list below).
Marcia acted for the family during the inquest into the police shooting of Mark Duggan, whose killing sparked the 2011 riots. She is also acting for 75 Hillsborough victims, and represented the family of Jean Charles de Menezes, the Brazilian electrician shot dead by police in 2005, the day after the failed 21 July tube bombings.
Rebecca Stevens, of Withy King in Bath, is a finalist for the family LALY award. In 2014, an adoption case she was working on made national headlines, because the father, who had learning difficulties, did not qualify for legal aid. Rebecca was praised by Sir James Munby for having shown ‘devotion…far above and beyond the call of duty’ for acting for him unpaid to ensure his interests were protected.
Finalists for the new children’s rights award are: Noel Arnold, of Coram Children’s Legal Centre; Charlotte Image, Wainwright & Cummins; Rachel Knowles, Just for Kids Law; and Zubier Yazdani, Deighton Pierce Glynn.
Also new for 2015, is the access to justice through IT award, sponsored by the Legal Education Foundation (see below).
The LALYs are organised by the Legal Aid Practitioners Group, and are into their 13th year.
Winners will be announced at a ceremony in central London on 1 July 2015.
The ceremony will also see presentation of the LAPG Special Award which has been made to leading figures within the Criminal Law Solicitors Association and London Criminal Courts Solicitors Association. Robin Murray, Bill Waddington, Jon Black and Paul Harris will be honoured by the LAPG committee for their tireless work on behalf of the profession campaigning against government reforms to criminal contracting.
This is only the second time the LAPG committee has made such an award. In 2012, Doreen Lawrence was honoured in recognition of her campaign for justice for her son, Stephen. (For more details on LAPG Special Award, see separate release.)
For more information, contact Carol Storer, LAPG director: 020 7833 7431; 07801 593963;
Fiona Bawdon, LALY co-ordinator:; 07740 644474
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