People living in rented accommodation are twice as likely to experience some kinds of non-housing-related legal problems as those living in other types of housing, according to a major research study.
The study, funded by The Legal Education Foundation, is the first time researchers have looked at the link between rented accommodation and legal problems that are not directly related to their housing.
The main findings of the report, ‘Legal Problems of Renters’ by Pascoe Pleasence and Nigel Balmer include:
The findings are based on interviews with 4,000 people, who were questioned on two occasions, two years apart, to trace the impact of legal problems over time.
The study uncovered widespread lack of awareness among the general population over the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants. Significantly, those living in rented accommodation had no greater understanding of the law around renting than those living in other types of housing, despite being directly affected by these issues.
Matthew Smerdon, chief executive of The Legal Education Foundation said:
‘One of the most surprising findings from this important piece of research is the degree to which people renting their homes are more prone to experiencing legal problems across the board – not just in relation to their housing. Renters are twice as likely as those with mortgages to have problems with debt, welfare benefits or neighbours. Few renters realise that these are legal problems, mainly putting their difficulties down to bad luck, which makes people reluctant to seek professional help. Many renters may be failing to have their rights protected as a result.’
Commenting on the Legal Education Foundation’s research, Shelter’s chief executive Campbell Robb said:
‘Sadly – as our housing shortage pushes more and more people into broken private renting – it’s no surprise that so many renters don’t know their legal rights. Every day, we hear from families living in homes that put their health and wellbeing at risk, with rogue landlords who refuse to keep their properties safe and decent. At the same time, many renters are dealing with issues like unprotected deposits and unfair tenancy agreements, often not knowing what their rights are, or that they have any at all.
‘Any renter who is unsure of their rights should get advice right away. Shelter is here to help, and our free expert advice is available online or through our helpline.’
A summary of the research is available here
The full report is available here
For more information, contact Natalie Byrom, The Legal Education Foundation,; 0203 0055775
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