Just for Kids Law

Just for Kids Law

Grant: £86,400
August 8, 2014

The Just for Kids Law charity aims to transform the lives of children and young people through the rule of law and child-centred advocacy. Many of the vulnerable young people it works with have multiple and complex needs; these include physical and mental health problems, unstable immigration status, unstable accommodation and weak or non-existent support networks.

The charity advocates on behalf of clients in school exclusion hearings, at police stations, in the courts and in other formal and informal settings. The aim is to ensure clients receive a fair hearing, are properly supported and have access to essential services (such as a placement in school or suitable accommodation).

The Foundation grant will be used to create a YJLC website to share it unique knowledge base with as many people as possible, and provide a comprehensive resource about children in the criminal justice system to professionals, lay people and young people.

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Registered charity 271297 (England/Wales)