Law Centres Network

Law Centres Network

Grant: £21,000
July 30, 2015

The first stage of a three stage project to:

  • Undertake an audit of the current IT hardware and software and consultation on IT needs leading to a proposed solutions package.
  • Negotiate with suppliers to provide and assist in implementing the proposed solutions package.
  • Implementation at law centres.

Law Centres are working jointly at national, regional and local level on a number of projects. Doing this efficiently is limited by both the standard of equipment and compatibility of software and data nationally. LCN is impeded in its representation of Law Centres by cumbersome processes to collect up-to-date data from Law Centres. Although collectively Law Centres have ideas for digital solutions to client need, it is difficult and costly to implement such initiatives because there is such a diversity of hardware and software being used by Law Centres. It is 10 years since a national audit was undertaken of Law Centres ICT equipment.

Stage 1 is a detailed assessment of Law Centres ICT status and then make a recommendation for an achievable national ICT plan for Law Centres.

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