Lord Edmund-Davies Legal Education Trust

Lord Edmund-Davies Legal Education Trust

Grant: £5,500
November 9, 2016

In July every year, LEDLET invites ten lower-sixth-form students from across Wales to spend a week in legal London undertaking legal work experience and receiving careers advice. The students are selected according to merit and means, with priority given to those from particularly underprivileged backgrounds and disadvantaged areas – factors the application form helps identify. Each applicant is profiled according to socio-economic demographic data. Lower-sixth students are targeted in order to influence their selection of universities and degree courses in advance of the oncoming autumn term.

Each student spends a day with a barrister, a day with a solicitor and a day sitting with a judge at the Old Bailey. On their last morning, they receive guidance on university applications from admissions tutors at University College London. In the evening they meet Welsh law students and lawyers, and participate in moots and educational events, which are modified each year according to feedback from the previous year’s students.

The entirety of their travel, meals and accommodation is funded by LEDLET. Bursaries are made available to those who do not own a suit and cannot afford to buy their own.

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