University of Oxford, Faculty of Law

University of Oxford, Faculty of Law

Grant: £197,515
November 30, 2016

This is a three year post-doctoral research fellowship, providing an opportunity for an exceptional candidate to conduct research on the theme of access to justice in England and Wales, based at the new Bonavero Institute for Human Rights in the Faculty of Law at the University of Oxford.

A primary goal of the Institute will be to develop a cohort of scholars and practitioners highly skilled in human rights law. In seeking to establish a fellowship in access to civil justice, the Institute recognises the urgent need for outstanding research in the field of access to civil justice in order to inform policy-making in this field. Another goal of the Institute is to foster collaboration between scholars and practitioners in the field of human rights. Access to civil justice is a field that will particularly benefit from such collaboration.

This project has two goals:

  • to foster world-class research by an outstanding post-doctoral fellow;
  • and to enable the post-doctoral fellow to pursue a scholarly career focussed on issues relating to access to civil justice in England and Wales.

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