St. Oswald’s Hospice

St. Oswald’s Hospice

Grant: £89,811
April 11, 2017

The legal needs of people with life limiting illnesses (PwLI) such as cancer and dementia are complex, poorly understood, and poorly integrated into care packages, potentially leading to negative end-of-life experiences and costly implications for health and social care. This project will be the first known study to generate an insight into the breadth and impact of legal needs faced by PwLI and their carers, and to address those needs via an educational intervention. The study will scope the extent of current legal needs and legal service provision, and will develop strategies for measuring the impact of meeting legal needs.

Findings will be used to develop, implement and evaluate an educational package for health, social care and legal professionals involved in the care of PwLI. The package will draw on proven immersive learning techniques, supported by expert educationalists in the field. The study will be underpinned by, and already has, commitment and involvement from a key stakeholder group incorporating solicitors, clinicians, voluntary sector, patients and carers.

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