Disability Law Service

Disability Law Service

Grant: £20,000
June 21, 2017

The project is to assist in developing an online guided pathway covering the law in relation to reasonable adjustments in the workplace for disabled people. The pathway will explain relevant laws and lead to the production of initial advice and signposting, and will in addition function as an efficient triage system for those cases that merit further advice from one of the lawyers working for DLS. The aim is to assess the feasibility of a system covering a limited area of law to ensure deliverability, but which will lend itself to further development such that other areas of disability discrimination and employment law can be added.

The aim is for the pathway to be developed such that it will be fully accessible in line with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

The scoping study will assess the following areas:

  • Best practices from guided pathway projects
  • Best practice in terms of ensuring full accessibility (to include liaison with selected disability charities)
  • Options for software provision
  • Time and cost for delivery of a functioning pathway that has been fully tested for accessibility
  • Potential to license the pathway to other disability charities and assessment of potential revenue this may yield such as to make the pathway sustainable.

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