Legal Advice Centre (University House)

Legal Advice Centre (University House)

Grant: £71,000
July 28, 2017

The Project is to establish a ‘Skype’ advice clinic at the Dracaena Centre, and also to provide remote support to Cornwall CAB also largely using Skype. Staff solicitors at the Legal Advice Centre will provide free legal advice remotely to persons in need in Falmouth using a bank of Skype enabled computers at the Dracaena Centre. The clinics will run weekly on Monday and Fridays. The advice provided will be on Welfare Benefits and debt. Follow-up work will be undertaken by LAC lawyers.

Legal Advice Centre will provide the following to Cornwall CAB:

  • take all their disability benefit appeals to the First-tier tribunal;
  • work with the CAB so that their efforts at Mandatory Reconsideration are more effective;
  • provide the CAB and staff/volunteers from the Dracaena Centre with training on Universal Credit;
  • provide the CAB with an employment consultancy service.

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