The Access to Justice Foundation

The Access to Justice Foundation

Grant: £66,103
November 13, 2017

The Network is an online platform which disseminates information on projects, resources, research and other content relating to access to justice across the sector, uniquely involving voluntary sector, legal professions, HMCTS, universities, pro bono organisations and the judiciary. In its first six months the Network has secured 200 individual members and 55 organisational members. It provides regular newsletters alongside the website content but importantly also engage individually with Network members off line to ensure people are getting the information, support and contacts that are relevant to them.

This project is to establish the first working group based on the SRLN model in the US, chaired by a Network member, facilitated by the Network Development Manager. Network members have asked that we support the development of a strategic research agenda around litigants in person and so this will be the focus of our first group.

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