

Grant: £25,000
November 13, 2017

The provision of a secretariat function to UK’s only advisory body on administrative justice, bringing together senior representatives of the judiciary, civil service, government, ombudsmen and end user organisations to improve decisions, complaints and appeals across critical areas including immigration, asylum, social security, housing, education, health care, planning and tax. Those affected by the system include some of most vulnerable in society: asylum seekers, immigrants, those in social housing and/or claiming benefits, people with disabilities or special educational needs, prisoners, pensioners and victims of police misconduct.

The AJC will be under-pinned by JUSTICE’s research and policy capacity and supported pro bono by a number of law firms. Acting as a liaison between Government, the judiciary and users of the administrative justice system, the Council would aim to fulfil its predecessor’s information sharing function whilst adding a more problem-solving and policy-influencing dimension.

Supported by the Ministry of Justice, led by Sir Ernest Ryder and managed by JUSTICE, this initiative will sit alongside current and future administrative justice work.

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