Independent Parental Special Education Advice

Independent Parental Special Education Advice

Grant: £10,000
November 13, 2017

This project will research and define the requirements for an IT solution to replace an existing database.

Using the findings of the previous evaluation and scoping project of IPSEA’s options for developing ICT systems, further investigate of the database requirements is now required. This is the first stage of a two-stage project, the second of which will be to identify and negotiate with potential suppliers and implement the proposed database solution.

This project will:

  • Evaluate the capability of IPSEA’s existing database which is currently used as a case management and CRM system.
  • Identify a solution to the limitations of the current database.
  • Help IPSEA become compliant with the new GDPR laws.

IPSEA will use experts to assist with this project to make use of cutting edge information and communications technology and proven experience.

These experts will work with IPSEA’s staff, volunteers and beneficiaries to ensure they understand the needs of various groups of database users and service users, so that the proposed solution is fit for purpose. They will work with IPSEA to define the database functionality needed now and in the future before researching options and preparing a specification report.

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