Public Law Project

Public Law Project

Grant: £10,000
January 3, 2018

This is a project to facilitate PLP’s next phase of development and growth.

PLP last restructured in 2015 but has experienced rapid growth since then. It is experiencing capacity constraints. In addition, further growth/expansion is anticipated to enable the organisation to achieve its strategic priorities. Changes to internal structures may well be necessary. PLP’s Board seeks a structure which would enable it to take advantage of appropriate opportunities as they arise. PLP’s current premises are unsuitable for various reasons, including that they physically preclude further growth. PLP is likely to want to move in 2018, and the Board and staff are keen to ensure that the move is to premises that will facilitate and support the next phase of the organisation’s development. PLP has already set robust strategic priorities for the five-year period 2017-2022, but would benefit from further thinking around the practical implications of these priorities, and clearer articulation of its organisational ambitions.

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