Council of the Inns of Court

Council of the Inns of Court

Grant: £20,000
March 19, 2018

The Inns are considering delivering the BPTC to provide a flexible and accessible pathway to the qualification at a far lower cost and risk than current provision. Partly based on the advice previously given by Parthenon (part LEF-funded research), we have persuaded the BSB to allow a two part flexibly delivered BPTC in their regulations. The first part of the course will be delivered online and the second via and attended blended course that will last half an academic year. We have met (more than once) with all of the BPTC providers and it does not appear at the moment that any of them will adopt this model preferred by the profession. Recent surveys indicate that the two part BPTC would be popular and indeed would encourage access to the profession.

As advised by Parthenon, the Inns have maintained a threat of market entry and now intend to finalise a delivery proposal. To guide this, a final analysis of the BPTC market is essential. The Inns, before they make a significant financial contribution to the set-up of a course, want to conduct a detailed market analysis to ascertain the likely reaction of current providers and ensure the option of a flexible, blended learning programme meets the needs of the profession and students.

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