Govan Law Centre

Govan Law Centre

Grant: £49,870
September 5, 2018

GLC will provide legal services for a remote area of Scotland. It will invest in broadband, computers with Skype, camera/microphone, in private confidential areas in offices and secure scanning to safely upload documents. The aim is to make legal services accessible anywhere in Argyll and Bute Council (A&BC) that has a private room and computer with camera connected to broadband. Skype client appointments will be booked in the same way as other clients, with a solicitor ‘meeting’ a Skype client in a local meeting room.

Reach Advocacy will train and support four people in A&BC to become citizen advocates, who will provide local support to Skype clients. Reach Advocacy are a Scottish Qualifications Authority approved training centre who provide support to individuals, families, carers and communities affected by drugs, alcohol and mental health problems.

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