Submit Progress Report

Submit Progress Report

We ask for a report on the work we are funding about every year during the course of a grant. This gives us a complete record of the progress and challenges faced by your organisation during the grant. They are also an opportunity for us to learn from the experiences of our grantees, as well as to offer additional assistance where we can.  They can help us to make better grants and offer improved support in future.

This report asks for progress over the past year towards the three ‘Agreed Outcomes’, which are included below. Please do share and celebrate successes, but do also be frank about the difficulties. We realise that not everything goes to plan and the work we are supporting may need to change and/or take longer than expected. We are interested in what you learnt and how you used this to adapt and move forward.

You can keep this report relatively brief – each box allows a maximum of 500 words.

If you experience problems with this form, please first check to see if your issue is covered by the

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Submit Progress Report





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