If you would like to support the work we do then you can leave the Foundation a legacy in your will.
We would recommend that you seek legal advice when drawing up your will.
You may find there are tax planning opportunities in leaving a charitable legacy: gifts to charity are free of inheritance tax altogether and, following changes to the law in 2012, if you leave at least 10% of your estate to charity then the rest of your estate could be subject to the lower rate of inheritance tax at 36% rather than 40%.
I give to The Legal Education Foundation (registered charity number 271297) ("the Charity") [ ] Pounds (£[ ]) ("the Legacy") provided that if before my death (or after my death but before my Executors have given effect to the Legacy) the Charity no longer exists or is being wound-up then:
[ ].1 if the Charity has changed its name or amalgamated with any other body or transferred all its assets to any other body then my Executors shall give effect to the Legacy as if it were a legacy to the body in its changed name or the body which results from the amalgamation or the body to which the assets have been transferred as the case may be;
[ ].2 if Clause [ ].1 above does not apply my Executors shall pay the Legacy to another charity that has objects similar to the Charity.
I give all [the rest of] my property which I can leave by Will (including property over which I have a general power of appointment) to my Executors upon the trusts and subject to the provisions of Form 8 of the Statutory Will Forms 1925 which is incorporated in my Will and my Executors shall hold this property and the assets at any time representing it ("my Residuary Fund") and its annual income for The Legal Education Foundation (registered charity number 271297) ("the Charity") absolutely ("the Charity’s Share") provided that if before my death (or after my death but before my Executors have given effect to the Charity’s Share) the Charity no longer exists or is being wound-up then:
[ ].1 if the Charity has changed its name or amalgamated with any other body or transferred all its assets to any other body then my Executors shall give effect to the Charity’s Share as if it were a gift to the body in its changed name or the body which results from the amalgamation or the body to which the assets have been transferred as the case may be;
[ ].2 if Clause [ ].1 above does not apply my Executors shall pay the Charity’s Share to another charity that has objects similar to the Charity.
I ask that when exercising your powers you have regard to the wishes set out in this letter, which are expressed for your guidance only and are not intended to impose any legally binding obligation on you.
A final point is that your Will should also include a provision which confirms that the treasurer (or other appointed person) of The Legal Education Foundation (or indeed any other charity receiving a gift under your Will) may formally accept the gift. Such a provision is usually included in a detailed schedule at the end of the Will.
© 2013 - 2025 The Legal Education Foundation
Registered charity 271297 (England/Wales)