Eligibility and Exclusions

Eligibility and Exclusions

These criteria will be updated in summer 2025 when we launch our new strategy and grants programmes.


We fund legally constituted organisations undertaking charitable work in the UK. While the majority of grant recipients will be charities, we can also fund limited companies (including CICs) and private law firms for activities that advance the LEF’s charitable objects and are not profit-making.

Applications can include all costs related to achieving the hoped-for outcomes, including staffing, volunteer expenses, consultancy, travel, venue hire and a reasonable contribution to overheads. We mostly fund revenue costs but can cover modest capital expenditure directly related to the work, such as a computer for a new staff member.

If you already have a grant from LEF, and would like to apply for additional funding, please ask advice from your grants manager in the first instance.


We will not fund:

  • Work that does not advance LEF’s charitable purposes or strategic objectives
  • Work that falls outside the Charity Commission guidance on campaigning and political activity
  • Work that has already taken place.
  • Work that does not have a direct benefit in the UK.
  • Projects related to commercial law.
  • Work on environmental or criminal law except where this is alongside other areas of civil law.
  • Awards, prizes or one-off events that are not part of a broader programme the Foundation is supporting.
  • Projects where a LEF grant would directly replace or subsidise government, legal profession or university funding, including the costs of law clinics.
  • Infrastructure for pro bono legal advice.
  • Capital expenditure on buildings and vehicles.
  • General fundraising appeals.

We are unlikely to fund:

  • Organisations with fewer than three Trustees, company directors or partners.
  • Organisations with more general reserves than stipulated in their reserves policy.
  • Organisations that are in serious financial deficit.

© 2013 - 2025 The Legal Education Foundation
Registered charity 271297 (England/Wales)