TLEF collaborates with the Baring Foundation on two new pilot funds
The Legal Education Foundation is collaborating with the Baring Foundation to launch two new funds under the Baring Foundation’s Strengthening the Voluntary Sector programme. Grants will support effective use of the law and human rights-based approaches by the voluntary sector in the United Kingdom.
Funding is available through two separate pilot funds:
training, education and capacity building – seed funding grants of up to £30,000 over six months to two years that support organisations to understand how their objectives can be achieved through use of the law or human rights based approaches; and
applied projects – grants of up to £150,000 over approximately three years to create new capacity for work that addresses specific discrimination or disadvantage and safeguards the freedom of purpose, action and voice of the sector, linking the skills of ‘non-legal’ and ‘legal’ organisations to enhance and complement campaigns for social change. Organisations will be expected to demonstrate innovative approaches to using these tools and evidence of how they will collaborate to support a shared agenda.