Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year Awards 2017

Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year Awards 2017

Nominations are now open for the Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year Awards 2017. Twelve award categories are available including the "Access to Justice through IT" award, first introduced three years ago and sponsored by The Legal Education Foundation.

This award is aimed at individuals or organisations who are using technology to increase access to justice for people on low incomes in areas of law traditionally covered by legal aid. This could include the provision of legal advice, information, representation, or public legal education.

The LALYs were set up in 2003 to celebrate the achievements and commitment of lawyers doing publicly funded work. They are non-profit-making; run by the Legal Aid Practitioners Group; and have proved a valuable rallying point for practitioners in hard pressed fields of practice.

The deadline for nominations is 28 April 2017.

To make a nomination:

For more information:

If you have any questions, contact LAPG director Carol Storer or LALY co-ordinator Fiona Bawdon

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