Suffolk Law Centre: Legal Aid Housing & Business Development
Grant: £45,500
March 19, 2018
The Law Centre launches on 23rd March 2018 and has been formally offered a legal aid contract in housing law to commence 1st September 2018. That contract is dependent on the Law Centre recruiting a full time legal aid Housing Supervisor. In addition, as a new centre, SLC needs to build projects and partnerships across Suffolk and to strengthen the Centre’s ability to find ongoing funding.
This project comprises the recruitment of that Self-Supervising Housing Lawyer and the maintenance of their salary for 13 months during which time they will build a full housing caseload (and thus become fully self-funded from legal aid revenue) and work across Suffolk to extend our reach.
The Business Development Officer role is a new post, shared across Law Centre and ISCRE projects, and already recruited to, but unfunded. This post will support the Director and Housing Lawyer to develop projects, partnerships and diversify funding streams to ensure sustainability.
The project also involves commissioning a small amount of expert consultancy to develop legal aid systems and procedures and to train trustees, management and service delivery staff on the complexities of the legal aid scheme.
Increase Public Understanding |
Advance High Quality Thinking |
Increase Access to Employment |
Developing Income Streams
Implications of Brexit |
Legal Needs in Healthcare Settings |
Influence the Online Court |
Develop Robust Evidence Base |
Understand Role of Technology |
Law Reform, Policy and Regulation |
Communications to Disseminate Learning |